La edición de este año de la feria editorial Unlock tendrá lugar en Berlín los días 16 y 17 de septiembre. La feria incluirá un completo programa de charlas, presentaciones de libros, proyecciones de documentales y actuaciones en vivo. Unlock Book Fair tendrá lugar justo después de Tag Conference. Ambos eventos son de libre acceso.
September 16-17
The Unlock Book Fair is the first book fair focused on the thriving field of graffiti and street art publishing. After a successful first edition in Barcelona last year, in 2017 the fair moves to Berlin, the epicenter of graffiti and street art cultures, and into the beautiful spaces of the ExRotaprint center.
We expect the participation of publishers from many different countries, and are looking forward to provide again a meeting space for the independent publishing scene. Entrance to the fair and accompanying events is free.
Unlock Book Fair Berlin 2017 presents a full program of book launches of some of the most interesting projects in the field, together with lectures by renowned artists and experts.
Confirmed speakers: Carlo McCormick, Susan Phillips, Kevin Kemter, Loiq, Jens Besser, Peter Stelzig and Enrique Escandell.
Unlock Video: on tags
A new facet to this edition will be the launching of the evening screening series of Unlock Video, featuring short videos and feature-length documentaries. The series will revolve around the topic “on tags”, and is produced in partnership with the Tag Conference (see below). It will include several video-contributions to the conference.
We are preparing a short series of fun live performances too.
Focus on North American railroad cultures
Unlock Book Fair Berlin 2017 will have a focus on North American railroad cultures: moniker graffiti, hobo culture, train hopping and freight train graffiti. Expect some highly interesting surprises related to these topics, both in video and publishing.
Unlock Showcase
A central feature of this year’s fair will be the Unlock Showcase, a pop-up bookstore offering limited and rare material from independent publishers. We are digging into the North American independent publishing circuit in order to bring to the fair a selection of publications on North American railroad cultures. The Unlock Showcase is produced with the help of Bombing Science.
Tag Conference
Unlock Fair Berlin 2017 is organized in close partnership with the Tag Conference, the first academic conference about name writing, or tagging. The Tag Conference will take place at Freie Universität on September 14th and 15th, right before the fair, and will feature contributions from several highly respected scholars, authors and artists. Entrance is free.
Other Unlock events
Unlock works with institutions and organizations from different cities to organize events related to graffiti and street art publishing. The first in this series was Unlock Talks Lisbon 2017, a panel of lectures that took place on July 8th as part of this year’s edition of the pioneering academic event Street Art and Urban Creativity International Conference.

The fair’s venue: Projektraum at ExRotaprint, Wedding, Berlin.
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