La revista noruega Nuart Journal sigue con su ambicioso ritmo semestral, y convoca ya su tercer call for papers.
DEADLINE JUNE 20 2019Following the successful international launch of Issue I and II of Nuart Journal, we are now calling for submissions for Issue III.
In Issue II of Nuart Journal, Jeff Ferrell’s visual essay employed discarded photographs to reanimate “a secret archive of city life… a dislocated urban history of visible ghosts and invisible intentions, a disorienting dérive through other lives, other times, and other places… another city within the city… pieced together from image, loss, memory, and imagination.”
Issue III seeks to build upon these noticings to focus on the evocative intersection of memory and the city, and the role of urban art cultures and the art of the streets in unravelling and critically reworking the city’s collective memories. We welcome traditional academic papers and more experimental visual submissions which critically address this theme.
We are particularly interested in critical examinations of nostalgia, cultural recycling, melancholic aesthetics and hauntology; of the depoliticised reworking of vernacular practices within new urbanism’s various initiatives; and of historical accounts that lament the loss of a once ‘authentic’ art of the streets.
Nuart Journal accepts submissions from a broad range of authors including cultural heritage workers, historians, critics, cultural and human geographers, political theorists, anthropologists, ethnographers, sociologists, psychologists, criminologists, curators, artists, writers, taggers, anarchists, and out and out vandals.
The city… contains
[its memories] like the lines of a hand, written in the corners of the streets… every segment marked in turn with scratches, indentations, scrolls.
– Italo Calvino, Invisible Cities.***
Nuart Journal is a peer-reviewed open access journal. It presents the work of an international network of artists, curators, academics, independent researchers and industry professionals on street art and related topics. It is built on the foundations of five years of content from the annual Nuart Plus symposium, based in Stavanger Norway, the world’s first annual symposium dedicated to street art practice.
Nuart Journal aims to serve as a forum for critical discourse and commentary on urban art cultures and street art practice, defined as broadly as possible to include all aspects of both independently sanctioned and unsanctioned art in public space that does not fall under the general rubric of traditional public art practice.
Though the journal is intended as a scholarly journal for new and experimental modes of research as well as traditional academic papers, it is also a site for artists, curators and independent researchers to publish articles, conversations, projects and opinion pieces. We welcome visual submissions and high quality images/photography. All submissions are peer reviewed.
The journal is overseen by a small group of international co-editors assisted by an international advisory board that reflects the diversity of street art practice.
Submission Guidelines:
Full papers should be around 5000 words, inclusive of citations and bibliography.
Shorter submissions, including research notes, photo essays and other visual submissions, book reviews, interviews, and opinion pieces are also welcome. Please see prior issues of Nuart Journal for examples of visual and experimental submissions, and do contact the editorial team if you wish to discuss an alternative mode of submission.
Papers should follow Harvard referencing guidelines.
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