Se ha convocado un “call for papers” desde la la Université Nice Sophia Antipolis (Niza, Francia) para un congreso sobre arte urbano a celebrar el próximo septiembre. El congreso se plantea como el primero de una serie eventos anuales. Los abstracts pueden entregarse hasta el 15 de marzo.
The LIRCES (Interdisciplinary Lab on Narrative, Cultures and Societies) in collaboration with the CRHI (Research Center on Story of Ideas) and Études de la Culture (Cultural Studies), Institut ACTE (CNRS), invites proposals for papers at the international conference to be held on the 24th, 25th, 26th of September 2015 at the Université Nice Sophia Antipolis (UNS) of Nice (France).
Target of the conference is to initiate an academic research on street art, involving specialists from all fields of the Humanities gathered with personalities from the public arena including gallerists, journalists and artists. Long term target is to create a new field of research on street art within the LIRCES, including yearly meetings as conferences and workshops. Therefore proposals from young researchers will be particularly welcomed. Since street art is wide, heterogeneous and quite polemic, we will be promoting discussion and dialogue between different disciplines and approaches. The papers will primarily focus on genetic aspects and genre, in order to circumscribe the phenomenon,on the following themes (the list is not exclusive):
Artistic aspects
– What is street art?
– Is street art part of contemporary art?
– In the two dimensions artworks, does street art comprise only iconic pieces or also written ones?
Geographic aspects
– Does street art have geographic borders?
– Is street art a worldwide movement?
Legal, economical and political aspects
– Does street art have to be illegal?
– Does street art have to be free?
– Does street art have to talk about politics or social issues?
Contexts: urban environment, public space
– Does street art have to be ephemeral?
– What is the public of street art?
The conference will be held on the 24th, 25th, 26th of September 2015. It will comprise academic presentations, non academic presentations and round table discussions.
Proposals (500 words maximum) for presentations of 30 minutes maximum, in French or in English, and a short presentation of the author should be sent to by 15 March 2015. Proposals will be examined by the scientific committee. You will be informed if your paper got accepted by the 30th of May 2015.
Papers will be published on Cahiers de narratologie n. 30, July 2016
Scientific committee: Edwige Fusaro (UNS), Christophe Genin (Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne), Chantal Helenbeck (Helenbeck Gallery), Norbert Hillaire (UNS), Serge Milan (UNS), Carole Talon-Hugon (UNS).
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